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"Right living presupposes right thinking" - Dr. William Lane Craig

Can racism be solved?
Praying With Jesus - May 2nd, 2021
The universe began? Featuring  Dr. Alexander Pruss
What do we know about the universe? Featuring Dr. Craig Part 1
Can we study our conscious? Featuring Dr. J.P. Moreland
What is Critical Race Theory according to an Analyst?
Share Life Today - Johnathan James
Reasology and Reasonable Faith Join forces!

-B. Easton, Iasis Christ Fellowship Teaching Pastor, Fort Collins, CO

“Mr. James is talented, responsible, and driven. He has risen above an impoverished inner-city upbringing to become an impressive student, a valuable member of the community, an important part of a team and most importantly a man of character and faith...I have personally witnessed Mr. James take entangled, complicated topics and creatively present them to a group of students who retain and implement said topics as if it were an easy, everyday lesson.”

"...I am impressed with his ability to express himself professionally, skillfully and smoothly. "

-C.J. Mortenson, DTM. Colorado Springs Toastmasters President


"John has blown us away as a Reasonable Faith chapter director, bringing together scholars and laymen to tackle the biggest of ideas through lectures, interviews, discussion groups, and more. He's a man of vision whose leadership and intrepid pursuit of excellence has added tremendous value to our team."

  • Director of Reasonable Faith's Southern Colorado Chapter

  • Director at UCCS for Ratio Christi

  • On-campus ministry president at Colorado State University

-T. James, Int. Chapter Director, Reasonable Faith

Certifications: Philosophy certifications from Reasonable Faith International & Ratio Christi, 

Public Speaking and Leadership certificates from Toastmaster's International,

 Pre-MDiv completion through 10KFAM


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