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Growing into 2019
What next? A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. -Winston Churchill¹ If anyone is familiar with...

Can I show you something?
How well do you lead? "Everything rises and falls on leadership" - John C. Maxwell ''I am glad I was up so late, for that's the reason I...

Let's talk about money
Is money the answer? If you live in America, then you live in a country with a unique history. This country was founded in search of...

Be very, very careful what you think.
Your thoughts produce actions, your actions have produced your life. Have you ever heard of karma or reaping and sowing? I have two...

You are believing a lie
Things are not as they seem. ¹The man on the subway - Dr. Stephen Covey “I remember a mini-paradigm shift I experienced one Sunday...

Christian? Read this.
¹April 5th, 2017 the PEW Research center released data pertaining to the percentage of the world that proclaims christianity. The result,...

Red lights of Reality
You will find that by the end of this blog, your perspective on your life will change. Whether that change is good or bad depends on the...

Do not take the bait.
"I have my beliefs, you have yours. I will not change your mind, and you will not change mine. Let's just agree to have our own beliefs...

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